→Used in the steel pipe scaffold performance test, for determination of compression test for upright tube and vertical deflection test, etc. →If equipped proper test fixture, it is also available for scaffold bar deflection test,frame lock pin load test, connection bar tensile test, scaffold lock arm tensile test and deformation test, horizontal tube bending test and vertical deflection test, horizontal baffle pulling-off test, diagonal brace compression test, tie member compression test, adjustable support compression test, etc. →Keywords: longitudinal horizontal tube, transverse horizontal tube, ledger board, upright tube, horizontal tube, steel tube, coupler, adjustable forkhead, steel shapes in cantilever scaffold, single pole and double pole scaffold, full scaffold, full formwork support,spacing of tie member, diagonal brace, cross bracing, longitudinal spacing of upright tube, transverse spacing of upright tube, main node, lift height, scaffold length, scaffold width, scaffold height, loop scaffold, open scaffold. skid resistant coupler, single pole steel tubular scaffold with couplers, double pole steel tubular scaffold with couplers, formwork support